Bauhaus’s Specific details
Bauhaus art movement is the gathering of sculptors, young and experienced painters (Marcel Breuer, Anni Albers, and Herbert Bayer), architects, and writers.
In the philosophy and the history of art movements, Bauhaus is an artistic, literary, and intellectual (due to Walter Gropius & Anni Albers) art movement.
This art movement has given many famous artworks- “A stage in the Festsaal, Dessau,” “Ceiling with light fixtures for stage,” and “Dormitory balconies in the residence.” And these paintings/artworks have been made by these Bauhaus artists.
If you watch the beauty of “A stage in the Festsaal, Dessau” and “Ceiling with light fixtures for stage.” You would get that BAUHAUS is the spontaneous overflow of artistic feelings.
Bauhaus’s 3 Frequently asked questions
What are some of the unique characteristics of Bauhaus?
History of BAUHAUS is complicated, Bauhaus promotes individual imagination, and its artists Marcel Breuer, Herbert Bayer, Walter Gropius are the pillar of this BAUHAUS movement.
The artworks of this style are still in demand such as “A stage in the Festsaal, Dessau,” “Dormitory balconies in the residence,” and “Ceiling with light fixtures for stage.”
There are very famous paintings such as – “A stage in the Festsaal, Dessau,” “Mechanically opened windows” and “Dormitory balconies in the residence.” If you observe the artworks of Walter Gropius, then you see the unique characteristic of it.
If you want to know the characteristic of BAUHAUS, so go to our Bauhaus characteristic article.
Which are the best Bauhaus websites and blogs?
There can be two answers: Content providers for BAUHAUS movement and Artwork seller websites of Bauhaus’s artists.
Content providers:- Well organized, useful content, a credible website for Bauhaus content. It comes on second place for Bauhaus content.– It would give a glimpse of both aspects of Bauhaus movement Very informative, but if you are a student of Bauhaus then you should select– Less informative but easy to use- ART & ARTISTS (Bauhaus’s artist), EXHIBITIONS & EVENTS (Walter Gropius exhibition), PLAN YOUR VISIT (To Bauhaus galleries).
You would know these things in this article:- Bauhaus and German modernism, Bauhaus and Vkhutemas, History of the Bauhaus & Bauhaus staff and students.
Artwork seller websites:-
Artplode:- Created in 2014, Network in 40 countries, for Buy/sell Bauhaus’s artwork/paintings. It lists all kind of Bauhaus artwork/paintings.
Artfinder:- Founded in 2011, Network in 100 countries, a community of 10,000 Bauhaus’s artists (so-called Bauhaus artists), you would get many Bauhaus’s artwork and paintings
Saatchi Art:- Sold it in 2014, its audience is vast (Including Bauhaus’s lovers). Price varies ($500- $10,000), it has over 1 million (including Bauhaus’s lovers) followers on social media.
Artnet:- Founded in 1989, it provides paid services (for Walter Gropius, Josef Albers, etc.) such as the Price Database, Art can be put up for auction on the site.
Society6:- is similar to Redbubble. You may order Bauhaus artwork/painting, they sell Bauhaus artwork on demand.
What is the future of Bauhaus?
Bauhaus is an artistic art movement which was emerged in (1 April 1919), and the future of Bauhaus’s is very bright because Bauhaus’s artworks are in high demand.
We have discussed Characteristics of Bauhaus, the importance of it, and the artworks of Bauhaus’s artists is very commendable.
Some artists, such as Anni Albers, Herbert Bayer, Marcel Breuer, Josef Albers, and Walter Gropius. The artworks of these artists show the future of Bauhaus. You may check it on our dedicated articles.
Thus, there is a saying that any movement has its strength in its supporter. Supporters such as Marcel Breuer, Herbert Bayer, and Walter Gropius who devoted their life for it.
That’s why; the future of Bauhaus’s is bright.
Bauhaus’s Top 3 artists
1. Walter Gropius
Born: 18 May 1883, Berlin, Germany
Died: 5 July 1969, Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Spouse: Ise Gropius (m. 1923–1969), Alma Mahler (m. 1915–1920)
Awards: AIA Gold Medal (1959), Albert Medal (1961), Goethe Prize (1961)
Walter Gropius was a pioneering German architect and founder of the Bauhaus school, known for his modernist designs and influential architectural philosophy.

2. Josef Albers
Born: 19 March 1888, Bottrop, Germany
Died: 25 March 1976, New Haven, Connecticut, United States
Spouse: Anni Albers (m. 1925–1976)
Josef Albers was a German-born artist and educator known for his influential work in color theory and abstract geometric art.

3. Marcel Breuer
Born: 21 May 1902, Pécs, Hungary
Died: 1 July 1981, New York, New York, United States
Nationality: American, German, Hungarian
Spouse: Constance Crocker Leighton (m. 1940–1981), Marta Erps (m. 1926–1934)
Marcel Breuer, a pioneering modernist architect and furniture designer, revolutionized 20th-century design with his iconic functionalist approach and innovative use of materials.

Bauhaus’s Explanation of these artists
1st Walter Gropius:- You can see the image of WALTER GROPIUS, through it, you may imagine the relationship between BAUHAUS and Walter Gropius, topmost artwork of Walter Gropius is- click to see artworks.
Notable works:- Bauhaus Dessau building, built 1925–26 & Aluminum City Terrace (1944).
Qualification:- Albert Medal (1961) (German architect and founder of the Bauhaus’s School).
2nd Josef Albers:- There is ample data on JOSEF ALBERS; you may read a comparison of JOSEF ALBERS with other artists, if you want to read more about JOSEF ALBERS then click on the link.
Topmost artworks of Josef Albers is- click to see artworks.
Notable works:- Albers “Wrestling” (1977) & Josef Albers, Proto-Form (B), oil on fiberboard, 1938.
Qualification:- Königliche Bayerische Akademie der Bildenden Kunst (German-born American artist).
3rd Marcel Breuer:- This artist (Marcel Breuer) of this art movement sometimes comes on the third place, topmost artworks of Marcel Breuer is- click to see artworks. These artworks of Marcel Breuer remain in high demand.
Notable works:- Armstrong Rubber Company Building (1970) & Atlanta central library, 1980.
Qualification:- AIA Gold Medal (1968) (Hungarian-born modernist architect).
Bauhaus’s Short notes
Harlem renaissance
Harlem Renaissance: It was an artistic, intellectual and social explosion of art style, and it is a renaissance of many art styles that was centred in Harlem (New York), that’s why we call it Harlem Renaissance. Read more
Expressionism: It is a modernist movement in which the artist makes painting to show relation among poetry, painting, and music. Artists try to emphasize on subjective and individual perspective. Thus, it is characterized as a reaction to positivism (philosophical theory). Read more
Land art
Land art: Land art is an art movement that emerged in 1960, and this art movement is centred around the rejection of commercialisation. It is also known as environmental art, Earthworks and Earth art. Read more
Bauhaus- Summary of this video
This video gives a basic idea about it, Walter Gropius along with Josef Albers, Marcel Breuer is an artist of this art form who devoted life for the sake of its renaissance (Bauhaus’s art movement renaissance).
This YouTube video demonstrates various aspects of Bauhaus, such as Bauhaus and German modernism, Bauhaus and Vkhutemas, History of the Bauhaus & Bauhaus’s staff and students.
Thus, we see a connection with other art movements such as- Land art, Harlem renaissance, and momento2. If you want to know about these art movements- Type (Land art, Expressionism, and momento1 or any name+ on google, you will get information in a single click.
Although, there are many beautiful (Commercial version) artworks of MOVEMENT.
And also, there are many artworks of Walter Gropius + Bauhaus also such as “Dormitory balconies in the residence”, “Mechanically opened windows” and “The Mensa (Cafeteria), Dessau”.
These paintings/artworks are very beautiful, and if you see “A stage in the Festsaal, Dessau,” you will notice the deepness of its depiction.
Another painting, such as “Ceiling with light fixtures for stage,” is another example of art mastership. That’s why, perhaps, you would get different price on every website.
And you would also get the answer to the following question:-
Question– What do you love and hate the most about Bauhaus? – YouTube Summary.
This categorization has been done according to Wikipedia data:- (Bauhaus + Walter Gropius)
If you find something wrong about it, you may contact us through our comment section.
Walter Gropius is the artist of art movement, and this comparison has been made with these artists- Anni Albers, Walter Gropius, Marcel Breuer, Herbert Bayer, and Josef Albers.
Everything is available on this website: Search (Bauhaus artist +, read and compare!
Top artists |
Walter Gropius |
Josef Albers |
Marcel Breuer |
Herbert Bayer |
Anni Albers |
Top artworks |
A stage in the Festsaal, Dessau |
Ceiling with light fixtures for stage |
Dormitory balconies in the residence |
Mechanically opened windows, |
The Mensa (Cafeteria), Dessau |
Short Notes
It has given many artists such as Walter Gropius, Josef Albers, and Marcel Breuer who devoted their whole life for the sake of Bauhaus renaissance movement.
There are so many paintings related to Bauhaus’s art movement such as “Dormitory balconies in the residence,” “Mechanically opened windows,” and “The Mensa (Cafeteria), Dessau.”
These paintings always attract the Bauhaus’s lovers. And if you are also a/an Bauhaus’s lover, then you should check our- (Bauhaus + Josef Albers) article.
See also (Wikipedia links)
list, links, one liner explanation