Post impressionism- Easy explanation | know everything in seconds

Post impressionism’s Specific details

The post-impressionism art movement is the gathering of sculptors, youthful and educated painters( Paul Gauguin, Georges Seurat, and Henri de Toulouse), engineers, and pens.

In the gospel and the history of art movements, movement is a cultural, erudite, and intellectual( due to Vincent van Gogh & Georges Seurat) art movement.

This art movement has given numerous notorious artworks- “ The Starry Night, ” “ Wheatfield with Crows, ” and “ Irises. ” And these oils artworks have been made by these art artists.

Suppose you watch the beauty of “ The Starry Night ” and “ Wheatfield with Crows. ” You would get thatPOST-IMPRESSIONISM is the robotic overflow of cultural passions.

Post impressionism’s 3 Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are some of the unique characteristics of Post-impressionism?

The history of POST-IMPRESSIONISM is complicated, the movement promotes individual imagination, and its artists Paul Gauguin, Henri de Toulouse, and Vincent van Gogh are the pillars of this art movement.

The artworks of this style are still in demand similar to “ The Starry Night, ” “ Irises, ” and “ Wheatfield with Crows. ”

There are veritably notorious oils similar to – “ The Starry Night, ” “ Cafe Terrace at Night ” and “ Irises. ” If you see the artwork of Vincent van Gogh, also you see its exceptional characteristics.

Still, go to our art characteristic composition, If you want to know the characteristics of ofPOST-IMPRESSIONISM.

2. Which are the best Post-impressionism websites and blogs?

There can be two answers Content providers for art movement and Artwork dealer websites of post-impressionism artists.

Content providers Well-organized, useful content, a believable website for movement content. It comes in an alternate place for art movement content. It would give regard to both aspects of the art movement Very instructional, but if you’re a pupil of art also you should  Less instructional but easy to use- ART & ARTISTS, EXHIBITIONS & EVENTS( Vincent van Gogh exhibition), PLAN YOUR VISIT.

You’ll know these effects in this composition- Overview, Reviews, and Adaptations & Overview.

Artwork seller websites

Artplode:- Created in 2014, Network in 40 countries, for buying/selling Post-impressionism artwork/ oils. It lists all kinds of movement artwork/ oils.

Artfinder:- Innovated in 2011, Network in 100 countries, a community of 10,000Post-impressionism artists, you would get numerous movement artwork and oils

Saatchi Art:- Ended it in 2014, its followership is vast(Including post-impressionism suckers). Price varies($ 500-$ 10,000), and it has over 1 million( including movement suckers) followers on social media.

Artnet:- Innovated in 1989, it provides paid services( for Vincent van Gogh, Paul Cezanne, etc.) similar to the Price Database, Art can be put up for transaction on the point.

Society6:- is analogous to Redbubble. You may order movement artwork/ oil, they vend movement artwork on demand.

3. What is the future of Post-impressionism?

Post-impressionism is a cultural art movement which was surfaced in( 1886), and the future of post-impressionism is veritably bright because post-impressionism artworks are in high demand.

We’ve bandied the Characteristics of post-impressionism, and the significance of it, and the artworks of movement artists are veritably estimable.

Some artists, such as Georges Seurat, Henri de Toulouse, Paul Gauguin, Paul Cezanne, and Vincent van Gogh. The artworks of these artists show the future of post-impressionism. You may check it on our devoted papers.

Therefore, there’s a saying that any movement has its strength in its sympathizers. sympathizers like Paul Gauguin, Henri de Toulouse, and Vincent van Gogh devoted their lives to it.

That’s why; the future of Post-Impressionism is bright.

Post impressionism’s Top 3 artists

1. Vincent van Gogh

Born: 30 March 1853, Zundert, Netherlands

Died: 29 July 1890, Auvers-sur-Oise, France

Periods: Post Impressionism, Pointillism, Neo-Impressionism

Influenced by: Claude Monet, Rembrandt, Paul Cézanne, MORE

Influenced: Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Wassily Kandinsky, MORE

Post Impressionism
Vincent van Gogh

2. Paul Cezanne

Born: 19 January 1839, Aix-en-Provence, France

Died: 22 October 1906, Aix-en-Provence, France

Periods: Impressionism, Cubism, Post Impressionism, Modern art

Influenced by: Édouard Manet, Camille Pissarro, MORE

Influenced: Vincent van Gogh, Paul Gauguin, Pablo Picasso, MORE

Post Impressionism
Paul Cezanne

3. Paul Gauguin

Born: 7 June 1848, Paris, France

Died: 8 May 1903, Atuona, Hiva Oa, French Polynesia

Periods:  Post-Impressionism, Modern art, Symbolism, Primitivism, Synthetism

Influenced by: Paul Cézanne, Camille Pissarro, Eugène Delacroix

Spouse: Mette-Sophie Gad (m. 1873–1903)

Post Impressionism
Paul Gauguin

Post impressionism’s Explanation of these artists

1st Vincent van Gogh

You can notice the image of VINCENT VAN GOGH, through it, you may visualize the connection between and Vincent van Gogh, The topmost artwork of Vincent van Gogh is- click to see artworks.

Notable works:- The Potato Eaters( 1885) & Wheatfield with Crows( 1890).

Qualification:- Anton Mauve (Dutch post-impressionist painter).

2nd Paul Cezanne

There’s ample data on PAUL CEZANNE; you may read a comparison of PAUL CEZANNE with other artists, if you want to read further about PAUL CEZANNE also click on the link.

Topmost artworks of Paul Cezanne is- click to see artworks.

Notable works:- The Bathers (1898–1905) & Mont Sainte-Victoire seen from Bellevue (1885).

Qualification:- Swiss Academy, Aix-Marseille University (French artist and Post-Impressionist painter).

3rd Paul Gauguin

The artist( Paul Gauguin) of this art movement occasionally comes in third place, the topmost artworks of Paul Gauguin are- click to see artworks.

These artworks of Paul Gauguin remain in high demand.

Notable works:- Women Bathing, 1885 & Breton Bather, 1886.

Qualification:- Catholic boarding school Small Seminary of La Chapelle-Saint-Mesmin (French post-Impressionist artist).

Post Impressionism Short notes


Fauvism is the style of the pre-modern period in which artists use violent color and emphasize strong color, but the external subcaste of oils remains blurred. Read more.


Minimalism Minimalism is an art movement that came into actuality during the post-World War. It’s frequently interpreted as a response against euphemism and abstract expressionism. Read more


Vanitas It is an emblematic work of art showing the ephemerality of life and the certainty of death. The nonfictional meaning of this term is- futility, worthlessness, and emptiness. That’s why most artists don’t like this art style. Read more

Post impressionism’s Summary of this video

This video gives a basic idea about it (art movement), Vincent van Gogh along with Paul Cezanne, and Paul Gauguin is an artist of this art form who devoted his life to the sake of its renaissance.

This YouTube video demonstrates various aspects of art, such as Overview, Reviews, and adjustments & Overview.

Thus, we see a connection with other art movements such as Vanitas, Fauvism, and momento2. If you want to know about these art movements- Type (Vanitas, Minimalism, and momento1 or any name+ on Google, you will get information in a single click.

Although, there are many beautiful (Commercial version) artworks of Post Impressionism.
Also, there are many artworks by Vincent van Gogh + Post-impressionism such as “Irises”, “Cafe Terrace at Night” and “The Painter of Sunflowers.”

These paintings/artworks are very beautiful, and if you see “The Starry Night,” you will notice the deepness of its depiction.

Another painting, such as “Wheatfield with Crows,” is another example of art mastership. That’s why, perhaps, you would get different prices (Selling price of movement artwork) on every website.

And you would also get the answer to the following question

Question– What do you love and hate the most about Post-impressionism? – YouTube Summary.

This categorization has been done according to Wikipedia data:- (Post Impressionism + Vincent van Gogh)

Everything is available on this website: Search (Post Impressionism artist +, read, and compare!

Top artists (5)Top artworks (5)
Vincent van GoghThe Starry Night
Paul CézanneWheatfield with Crows
Paul GauguinIrises (painting)
Henri de ToulouseCafe Terrace at Night
Georges SeuratThe Painter of Sunflowers

Short Notes

Art has given many artists such as Vincent van Gogh, Paul Cezanne, and Paul Gauguin who devoted their whole life to the sake of the movement renaissance.

There are so many paintings related to the Post Impressionism art movement such as “Irises,” “Cafe Terrace at Night,” and “The Painter of Sunflowers.”

These paintings always attract movement lovers. And if you are also a/an Post-impressionism lover, then you should check our- post-impressionism + Paul Cezanne) article.

list, links, one-liner explanation

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